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Slip and Fall is a Real Workplace Danger - Kyambadde Associates & Legal Consultants

Thursday 5 May 2016

Slip and Fall is a Real Workplace Danger

Slips, trips, and falls are the second most common type of workplace injury. According to a recent study by Travelers Indemnity Company, roughly 25,000 such accidents occur every single day in the United States.

They can happen anywhere and are not unique to any particular business. If you want to stay safe in the workplace or out on the town, the key is knowing some of the most common places where these accidents tend to occur.

Slippery Surfaces:

These surfaces can include glossy tile, hardwood floors, polished stone and other types of slick flooring or walkway.

Uneven or Damaged Walking Surfaces:

When holes or cracks damage sidewalks, this can potentially cause a dangerous situation. Unmaintained or broken walking surfaces create tripping hazards over time.

Wet Surfaces:

Whether surfaces were just cleaned, or are wet because of a spill or a leak, this can create a grave danger. Always be on the lookout for wet surfaces to avoid an injury that could put you in the emergency room.

Staying Safe Is Not Just Your Responsibility

While it is important to remain aware of your surroundings, employers and property owners are expected to maintain a safe environment.

For instance, what if you are walking past a restaurant right after a worker is finished hosing down the sidewalk. There are no signs up to indicate the surface is wet and slippery. If this causes you to slip and fall, it could be a result of the restaurant’s negligence.

What Should You Expect From the Public Places You Visit?

Whether you are showing up for work or visiting a public place on your free time, there’s a certain level of safety you should expect. Those in charge of the sites you visit should be staying on top of a few basic procedures:

• Regular walk-throughs to inspect the property and address any potential hazards.
• Ensure walkways are adequately lit and marked.
• Routine maintenance of flooring surfaces.
• Slip-resistant treatments used to clean floors.
• Ready access to cleanup supplies.
• Prompt cleanup of spills and proper signage labeling wet floors or areas under construction.

What Should You Do if You Are Injured?

At Work

If you suffer a trip, slip or fall at work and think you may need medical attention, it’s important to notify someone right away. Otherwise, even if the fall seems minor, it’s important to notify your supervisor immediately and ask to fill out an incident report.

It is not uncommon for pain to slowly get worse over a period following an injury. Your employer may be obligated to compensate you for missed work time and medical bills if care is needed. However, if there’s no record of the incident on file, you could end up footing the bill.

Out in Public

If you slip and fall while at a public location, or on someone else’s private property, it is important to file an accident report as soon as possible. The report should include details about how the fall happened and who may have witnessed the incident. Try to note if there were any hidden hazards on the property that may have contributed to the fall. If it is possible, try to take some pictures of the scene of the fall. It could help you if you decide to seek compensation.

When writing out what happened, try to include the following information:

• What caused the fall
• Time, day and location of the incident
• Witness list
• Physical injuries

When Should You Consider Hiring an Attorney?

This is a hard decision for many people who suffer slip and fall injuries. First of all, the incident can be very embarrassing, especially if it happens around large crowds. There’s also the misconception that these injuries are the result of carelessness on the part of the injured person.

If you believe a slip and fall injury may have been the result of negligence on someone else’s part, consulting with a skilled personal injury attorney is the smart choice. Come prepared with all the relevant facts and your report of the injury.

The lawyer will speak with you about what happened, carefully review your reports and determine whether or not you should pursue legal action. The owner of the property may be responsible for paying out a settlement, which would include:

• Medical expenses related to the fall
• Lost earnings and future lost earnings as a result of the injury
• Future medical expenses
• Pain and suffering

Don’t be afraid to consult with an attorney if you think unsafe conditions at work caused a slip and fall accident, or out in public. Otherwise, the expenses could put you under extreme financial and physical hardship.

About the Author
Freddy Saavedra is a personal injury attorney with Alex & Associates. The law firm serves residents in the Phoenix, Arizona area. He has handled thousands of cases related to personal injury and disability.

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